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The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the financial sector

Published on November 30, 2023  - Updated on June 29, 2024

The impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the financial sector The financial sector has undergone more transformations in the past two years than in the previous two decades, with digital transfo...

How to detect weak signals : user guide

Published on November 29, 2023  - Updated on June 29, 2024

How to detect weak signals : user guide In a world where competition is increasingly fierce, companies must find new ways to stand out and retain their customers. That's why optimizing the customer...

NPS calculation: how to calculate your Net Promoter Score?

Published on November 20, 2023  - Updated on June 29, 2024

Net Promoter Score: definition, importance and calculation method When it comes to tools for assessing customer satisfaction, the Net Promoter Score stands out as a particularly interesting tool for ...

Revolutionizing customer satisfaction: Unveiling the secrets of NPS tools

Published on September 01, 2023  - Updated on June 29, 2024

Revolutionizing customer satisfaction: Unveiling the secrets of NPS tools 1) Understanding the Net Promoter Score Imagine eating your favorite dish at a restaurant when suddenly, the waiter asks you...

Emotional and Semantic analysis of conversational data

Published on April 19, 2023  - Updated on June 29, 2024

Semantic and emotional analysis of conversational data The rise of direct messaging applications in customer relations Nowadays, messaging applications have become indispensable tools in the dai...

The Power of Customer Review Analysis in 2024

Published on January 12, 2023  - Updated on June 29, 2024

The power of customer review analysis in 2024 In today's digital age, customer reviews play a crucial role in any business operation. As more and more consumers turn to online marketplaces and e-comm...

5 types of customer reviews to improve your customer experience

Published on August 17, 2022  - Updated on June 29, 2024

5 types of customer reviews to analyze to improve the customer experience Whether in B2B or B2C, customer reviews play a very important role in the success of a business. Whether it's before purchasi...

The comparison: Emotional analysis vs. sentiment analysis

Published on May 23, 2022  - Updated on June 29, 2024

The comparison: Emotional analysis vs. sentiment analysis When it comes to using an automatic semantic analysis tool, there are two approaches: sentiment analysis and emotional analysis. Although s...

How to prioritize irritants thanks to emotional analysis ?

Published on July 01, 2021  - Updated on June 29, 2024

How to prioritize irritants thanks to emotional analysis? Throughout the consumer experience, the customer will emit different emotions. Even if a person's emotions cannot determine precisely what he...

How to combine satisfaction surveys and emotional analysis?

Published on March 18, 2021  - Updated on June 29, 2024

How to create a satisfaction survey and analyze the results? In any business, collecting and analyzing customer feedback is essential. It would be a shame to take just a few opinions (positive or neg...

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