Q°emotion will be at the Vivatech event in Paris from May 22 to 25, 2024Come and meet our teams at boot K28-008 !

Meet our team and try our emotional analysis solution

of Q°emotion ...
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Matthieu Bruneteau de Gorsse

Chief Executive Officer

15 years of experience in retail and finance. As well as 10 years abroad in Germany, Spain and China for Promod and Lacoste.

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Grégoire Pfirsch

Managing Director

15 years of experience in digital and analytics. Marketing and Research Manager at Danone, Meccano, Altran and MetrixLab

Well accompanied!

A desire to join the team?

Why found Q°emotion?We tell you everything!

Companies have thousands of customer reviews they don't use. We decided to launch Q°emotion when we discovered the tremendous added value of customer reviews and comments. Using advanced emotional analytics based on the direct wordings of the customers, our solution dramatically simplify the setup of a CEMS (Customer Experience Management System) and immediately help better detect emotional insights from the customer experience.

Our conviction ?
To improve the customer experience, first measure it with emotional analytics ! Q°emotion harnesses the power of NLP, Affective Computing and AI to help measure the customer experience. The platform cxinsights.io is dedicated to measure and monitor all the dimensions of the customer experience including the customer journeys, and to launch impactful corrective actions within your organisation.

Learn more...Find us on social networks to discover our news and the life of our agency.
Our address

15, rue Jean Louis Delaporte
10000 TROYES

Contact us !
