{"version":3,"sources":["webpack:///./src/pages/clientCase/index.en.js"],"names":["seo","title","keywords","description","props","pageQuery"],"mappings":"4LAIMA,EAAM,CACVC,MAAO,wBACPC,SAAU,CACR,aACA,uBACA,MACA,gBACA,oBACA,KACA,mBACA,iBACA,sBACA,2BAEFC,YACE,mEAGW,mBAAAC,GAAK,OAAI,kBAAC,IAAD,iBAAoBA,EAApB,CAA2BJ,IAAKA,MAEjD,IAAMK,EAAS","file":"component---src-pages-client-case-index-en-js-126eb0c2893ddaccbf2b.js","sourcesContent":["import React from 'react';\nimport { graphql } from 'gatsby';\nimport ClientCasePage from 'components/pages/ClientCasePage';\n\nconst seo = {\n title: 'Q°emotion - Use Cases',\n keywords: [\n 'Case study',\n 'Customer testimonial',\n 'ROI',\n 'SaaS solution',\n 'Emotions analysis',\n 'AI',\n 'Customer reviews',\n 'Q°emotion tool',\n 'Conversational data',\n 'Reduction of churn rate',\n ],\n description:\n 'Understanding how the Q°emotion tool works through case studies',\n};\n\nexport default props => ;\n\nexport const pageQuery = graphql`\n query {\n allData: allMarkdownRemark(\n filter: {\n frontmatter: { pageType: { eq: \"clientCase\" }, lang: { eq: \"en\" } }\n }\n sort: { fields: [frontmatter___idBlock] }\n ) {\n group(field: frontmatter___useCases) {\n nodes {\n rawMarkdownBody\n frontmatter {\n title\n blockType\n useCases\n subTitle\n component\n relatedImageLeft\n relatedImageRight\n infos\n }\n }\n }\n }\n allImages: allFile(filter: { relativeDirectory: { eq: \"bubbleImages\" } }) {\n nodes {\n base\n childImageSharp {\n fluid(maxWidth: 550, quality: 100) {\n presentationWidth\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_withWebp_noBase64\n }\n }\n }\n }\n dataBlockIntroTitle: markdownRemark(\n frontmatter: {\n pageType: { eq: \"clientCase\" }\n blockType: { eq: \"introBlock\" }\n component: { eq: \"title\" }\n lang: { eq: \"en\" }\n }\n ) {\n rawMarkdownBody\n }\n dataBlockIntroBody: allMarkdownRemark(\n filter: {\n frontmatter: {\n pageType: { eq: \"clientCase\" }\n blockType: { eq: \"introBlock\" }\n component: { eq: \"chips\" }\n lang: { eq: \"en\" }\n }\n }\n sort: { fields: [frontmatter___idBlock] }\n ) {\n nodes {\n frontmatter {\n useCases\n active\n }\n }\n }\n dataBlockLinkBody: allMarkdownRemark(\n filter: {\n frontmatter: {\n pageType: { eq: \"clientCase\" }\n blockType: { eq: \"linkBlock\" }\n lang: { eq: \"en\" }\n }\n }\n sort: { fields: [frontmatter___idBlock] }\n ) {\n nodes {\n rawMarkdownBody\n frontmatter {\n subTitle\n color\n link\n buttonText\n }\n }\n }\n dataTestimonialClientCaseBlock: allMarkdownRemark(\n filter: {\n frontmatter: {\n pageType: { eq: \"clientCase\" }\n blockType: { eq: \"testimonialBlock\" }\n lang: { eq: \"en\" }\n useCases: {\n in: [\n \"heineken_experience\"\n \"transportation\"\n \"floa_bank\"\n \"richemont\"\n ]\n }\n }\n }\n sort: { order: ASC, fields: [frontmatter___order] }\n ) {\n nodes {\n rawMarkdownBody\n frontmatter {\n author\n role\n image\n youtubeID\n youtubeTitle\n useCases\n imageName\n }\n }\n }\n imagesTestimonialClientCaseBlock: allFile(\n filter: {\n relativeDirectory: {\n eq: \"solutionPage/analyseVerbatim/testimonialBlock\"\n }\n name: {\n in: [\"corsair\", \"floa_bank\", \"heineken_experience\", \"richemont\"]\n }\n }\n ) {\n nodes {\n base\n name\n childImageSharp {\n fluid(maxWidth: 300, quality: 100) {\n ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_withWebp_noBase64\n presentationWidth\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n`;\n"],"sourceRoot":""}